Turkey, You’ve Got Some Mighty Fine American Colloquialisms

In a moment of capricious glory I decided to take a short trip to Turkey with my trusty travel side-kick, Lauren. This could potentially be considered my first real, non-business related, vacation in years. YES- this workaholic has somehow escaped from her desk shackles and is now running free. Istanbul, beware. Glitter, spirit fingers and excessive loud-mouthed-ness has now infiltrated your city.

Since arriving at the airport yesterday evening, I have enjoyed some of the best hospitality I have yet to come across traveling. Doors have been opened, bags carried and smiles abundant.  Our home for the week, Angel Home hotel, is lovely and excessively be-speckled with cherubs and dramatic splashes of gold. It suits that Anna mentality that more flair equals more fun; I couldn’t be happier with the experience so far.

In addition to top notch service I’ve received, I have also heard some of the funniest pick-up lines ever. The men of Turkey sure know how to make a women swoon…err… giggle uncontrollably. For example in the space of my two hour jaunt around the neighborhood surrounding my hotel I heard:

  • “Hold your horses, I want to love you”
  • “Peace out…Why you no call me asshole?”
  • “You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream… and you”

Now I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure someone came to Istanbul as a consultant and taught the men here every bad pick up line and American colloquialism from the 90s. Hilarity. I have no doubt I will continue to be amused by and on occasion find myself snorting back laughter as I hear the men of Istanbul work their best Zack Morris inspired swagger. But hey, is it such a bad thing to have men shouting their affections at me on a semi-regular basis? No? Good, I thought not.


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