The 10 Best Geek Love Songs

Below is a list of the top 10 geek love songs. The focus of the list is original content, so you won’t find any parodies below (even though there are some great ones). If you feel I missed something incredible please leave a comment. I want to see it just as much as you wish I had already seen it :)

Geeks of the world- Enjoy!

1. Coder Girl- A love song devoted to all the female programmer in the world.

“It’ more than just technolust”.

2. Even Hitler had a Girlfriend- Understanding just how hard it is to find some geek lovin’

“The odds are pretty good, but the goods are pretty odd”

3. She Blinded Me With Science- Because lets be honest, all you need is some good chemistry


4. Computer Camp Love- The Band’s name is DataRock need I say any more? I think not.

“Zedulus lepedus you must know she’s a genius”

5. Code Monkey- This is a music video about the life of the common  code monkey and his love for the receptionist

“Code monkey like you”

6. Geek Love- What’s it’s like to love a geek.

“The first boy I’ve known to get all a’s and appear in all my highschool plays”

7. U+Me=Us (calculus)- This might be the best use of calculus today.

” When it comes to cosigns I know a thing or two”

8. Hail to the Geek- The ultimate song about loving yourself as a geek

“when you end up pumping gas, fill ‘er up and kiss my….”

9. Geeks in Love- A nice animation paired wish a catchy beat about being geeks in love

“when they see us holding hands they wish they were geeks in love”

10. Always and forever- Kip proclaims shis love for technology and lafawnduh with this little ditty from Napoleon Dynamite

“I love technology, always and forever”

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