About Anna

Anna OBrien is the Director of Social Media at Greenlight where she leads the integration and expansion of the agency’s social media offering and advises on the competency internally. Prior to moving to London, Anna served as the VP of Social Media for Citibank in North America and is credited with helping to create the initial roadmap and strategy for the brand’s social media presence.  She has 6 years of experience, both personally and professionally, researching and leveraging Social Media channels and is a frequent speaker at Social Media & digital measurement events.  A data geek at heart, Anna recently completed her master’s degree at Columbia University in Quantitative Methods in The Social Sciences with an emphasis in new media measurement.

  • http://twitter.com/kyleplacy Kyle Lacy

    Master’s Degree in Qualitative Methods in the Social Sciences with an emphasis in new media measurement? That’s awesome!

  • Sana Ahmed

    Anna, you plain rock at Social Media! Your work is the most talented thing I’ve seen! Gosh, I hope I can find someone like you to work for under the social media realm!

  • Pingback: Step aside. There’s a new social media sheriff in town… « actiance()

  • Chris

    Anna working on Dir. Digital Strategy & Planning in NYC 160-175k +bonus

    Chris mangier
    888 319 3443

  • http://punditcommentator.blogspot.com Pundit Commentator

    Your blog is a really fun read! Congratulations on such an awesome degree.

  • Anonymous

    Thanks :)



    Random acts of data….I love it!!!

    Great to know you are “one of us”

    Thanks again for speaking yesterday, your presentation was a real highlight for me.

    Kind regards,


    Co-founder & Director

    Making A Difference Through Analytics

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